St. Leonard’s House Windsor
St. Leonard’s House Windsor is a registered charity dedicated to the integration of male offenders in Windsor, Ontario.
About Us
St. Leonard’s House Windsor is a 26 bed Community Residential Facility (CRF) that assists men leaving federal correctional facilities with community integration. We offer programs and services beginning at incarceration and continuing after full parole.
Our Mission
We enhance our community’s safety by providing structured transitional supports and innovative crime prevention programs that enable offenders and at-risk individuals to become law-abiding and productive citizens.
Our Vision
We aspire to a community where all people have value and live in safety and harmony.
Our Services
St. Leonard’s House Windsor accepts applications from male offenders currently serving time in a federal institution. Learn more about the intuitional, residential and community based services that St. Leonard’s House offers.

We are always in needs of men’s toiletries, gently used clothing, new bedding and towels. Grocery store gift cards are also helpful.
If you are considering making a monetary donation, we are able to accept cash or cheque only at this time. Donations over $20 are eligible for a tax receipt. Credit card payments are possible through Canada Helps. We thank you for your support.