St. Leonard’s House Application
Here are the steps to apply:
- Fill out the application form at the bottom of this page.
- Once your application is completed, please mail it back in care of Case Manager Jen Graham. It is important to also include your reasoning for applying to Windsor. If necessary use a separate sheet of paper.
- A staff member will visit you at your institution.
- You are encouraged to stay in contact with the House by way of mail or by telephone.
- A community assessment must be submitted by your Institutional Parole Officer within the relevant time lines of your release eligibility.
- A decision regarding your residency will be determined by the Community Assessment Team (CAT).
Please note: Any offender with a section 161 restriction or convicted of a sexual offence against a minor is not eligible for residency at St. Leonard’s House. Also excluded for residency is anyone serving a life sentence who has a sexual component to their criminal history including but not limited to their index offence.