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Institutional Services

Prison Visitation Program

Staff visit all federal institutions in the Ontario Region and the South West Detention Centre on an as-needed basis. We also provide phone support.


St. Leonard’s employs successful lifers (‘peers’) to assist, support, and motivate inmate lifers to serve their sentence in the most responsible and productive manner. They offer support through institutional visits, voluntary programming and phone support.

Residential Programs

Day Parole Residential Program

Correctional Service Canada (CSC) funds St. Leonard’s House on a per diem contract for up to 25 beds. We also contract 1 bed with the Canada Border Services Agency for immigration cases. We offer case management, emotional and mental health support, substance use support, employment counselling, peer support, housing and aftercare.

Specialized Residential Program for Lifers

We specialize in residential programming for lifers released to the community after prolonged incarceration. We offer re-entry programming, peer support and a progressive living arrangement where lifers can graduate to an independent living unit in the upper level of the home.

Community-based Programs

JOBS Employment Program

A multi-faceted program offering individual and group job readiness training, aftercare, an employer job bank and placement services. The program serves former and current residents of St. Leonard’s House.

Good Neighbour Service (GNS)

This supervised service if offered seven days a week and is a unique blend of community service and work experience for both men and women. We are responsible for the maintenance of two adopted city parks, for removing litter and graffiti from both private and public places, and needle pick up in the downtown core.

Peer Out-Reach Worker

We employ a lifer who has been successful on full parole to offer peer support, guidance and assistance to men while on passes, day parole or statutory release, and in the community on full parole.

St. Leonard’s Community Chaplaincy

Serving the spiritual, social and practical needs of formerly incarcerated men, victims of crime, staff and other affected community members. Learn More.

Mothers and Spouses of Offenders Support Group

A bi-weekly group designed to be a safe and confidential place for women with similar experiences to share their pain, struggles and insights related to having a loved one at any stage of the judicial process.

Reporting Centre

A non-residential program offering enhanced supervision and support services to federally released inmates who are not required to reside in a half-way house.

Direct Accountability Program

An alternative to prosecution for eligible individuals over the age of 18 who have been charged with minor criminal offences. Accused persons are held accountable through community based sanctions such as community service hours and attending programming for substance use, shoplifting and anger management.

For more information, please call 519-258-4848.

Drug Treatment Court

In partnership with the justice system and addiction treatment providers, this specialized court is for individuals over 18 and who have no history of violence and who have committed minor criminal offences because of substance use. For 12-18 months participants attend treatment for addiction, submit to regular urinalysis, and meet regularly with a judge and case manager for support.