About Us
St. Leonard’s House Windsor is a non-profit community based agency dedicated to the integration of male offenders into the community as law abiding citizens in order to reduce the re-occurrence of crime.
Located in the heart of downtown Windsor, St. Leonard’s House provides accommodation for twenty six residents.
The main bedroom level contains ten double occupancy rooms and one single room which can be used for Unescorted Temporary Absences (UTA’s) from the institution or assigned at staff’s discretion. On the upper level of the home there is an independent living area reserved for lifers. This unit contains four single rooms with a shared kitchen and living space. In addition, there is one room on the lower level for men placed through Canadian Border Services Agency.
The House is located within walking distance of the riverfront, banking, shopping, medical care, restaurants, government offices and the bus station.
Our Core Values
Change & Rehabilitation
Every person has the potential to change their lives and become positive contributors to their community.
Dignity & Respect
Every person is a unique individual, deserving of our respect and is to be treated with dignity which is the basis for forming trusting relationships.
Every person has strengths and these strengths are the foundation upon which we serve and support our clients.
Social Justice
In being fair and equitable in all that we do, we are sensitive to the uniqueness of each individual and accepting of their diversity.
To work collaboratively to utilize all the community’s resources and capabilities to achieve the best outcomes for the people we support.
Innovation & Learning
To foster an organizational culture that encourages innovation and continuous learning and improvement, values the contributions of staff and volunteers, and is responsive and flexible to the changing needs of our clients and our operating environment.